Top 12 Longest-Lived Perennials for Your Garden

Annual flowers denote those that finish their whole life cycle in one season, whereas perennial flowers denote those that return year after year in the gardening sector. Perennials, on the other hand, are not all created equal.

Designing a new flowerbed around your favorite perennial flowers, such as delphiniums, Shasta daisies, and pincushion flowers, is exciting until they wilt after three or four years. The durability of certain perennial flowers is well-known.

These are the flowers you may see in historic districts, which have been planted when the properties were erected and are still alive today. Pick these, and use the money you save over the coming growing seasons for lush hanging baskets or container gardens.

Balloon Flower

Without the demanding requirements some blue flowers have, balloon flowers provide that coveted shade of blue that blends well in any garden design. These flowers are native to China and can withstand a wide range of weather and conditions in full sun or partial shade. ‘Apoyama,’ as well as the container-ready ‘Sentimental Blue, are two Compact types that don’t need support and can be grown with little effort. They don’t need to be divided once they’ve established in and don’t require deadheading throughout the summer.

Black-Eyed Susan

Rudbeckia plants are the later-blooming, longer-lived cousins of daisies in the Asteraceae family and are sometimes confused with them. While classic gold blooms like this Goldsturm variety are abundant in garden shops, you may also purchase stunning burgundy and orange-toned varieties, as well as fluffy doubles that serve as attractive stand-ins for lookalikes such as zinnias or dahlias.

Butterfly Weed

The premier food for Monarch caterpillars, the butterfly weed, should be included in anyone’s plans for the future of our Monarch butterflies. This 2017 Plant of the Year, Asclepias tuberosa, has desirable characteristics that will last for many years in your garden: drought tolerant, free-flowering orange blooms; and disease and pest-free plants will thrive in average soil and full sun.


In the spring garden, hybrid tulips and hyacinths are attention magnets, but these bulbs have the shortest life expectancy of any perennial bulb. Instead, plant hardy daffodils in flowerbeds or in the wild landscape of your land. They will spread over time to create a lovely naturalized blooming colony.


Have you ever seen a tumble of daylilies along the roadside or in the hinterland? This should give you an idea of how tough the versatile daylily is. Try a hybrid like the more civilized ‘Orange Crush,’ which has orange hues, if you want orange hues. Alternatively, you can get blooms in every shade except pure white and true blue, so branch out into multiple hues of the rainbow. Some regard daylilies as an essential component of any blooming garden because they are drought tolerant and nearly pest-free.


True geraniums are hardy perennials that will grow and return in the unforgiving conditions of Siberia and Alaska, as opposed to the pelargoniums commonly known as geraniums at the garden center. Gardeners appreciate the beautiful foliage of certain cultivars, which has split leaves with black-colored stripes, in addition to the delicate blossoms.


The hellebore, also known as the lenten rose, fills two difficult roles: it thrives in shaded areas and blooms well before the final frost has touched the landscape. It is a harbinger of spring. With its muddied-colored blooms that turned their faces to the earth, old hellebore types didn’t excite much attention, although new cultivars are bigger and brighter. ‘Pink Frost’ is especially notable for its large and upward facing blossoms.


You may have noticed liatris’ fluffy stems in your cut flower displays and been intrigued by where the unusual blooms came from, but cultivars like ‘Floristan’ shown here couldn’t be easier to maintain. Wildflowers from the top down bloom nectar-rich flowers on grasslands and plains in North America, supplying butterflies and bees with food. USDA zones 5-9: grow in full sun and average soil.


This Pulmonaria plant is known as Mrs. Before many perennials have even emerged from the soil, Moon’ cultivar will be blooming. Petite white, pink, and blue blooms are contrasted by extremely decorative leaves with intriguing white freckles, depending on the variety you choose. Watch a few plants grow into a dozen during the seasons in your woodland garden if you give it enough water and rich soil.


Peonies require a few years to establish themselves in the garden, but it is worth it. These softball-sized, fragrant blooms can be added to any bride’s bouquet for a fee. To ensure many years of spring blossoms, plant them in well-drained soil in a sunny location and keep the eyes just below the soil level.


Being rudely pulled from the ground and replanted by a child with a shovel is no insult to Sedum plants, which are as hard as nails. During times of drought, leathery, succulent leaves help the sedum retain moisture. Pollinators are drawn to Sedum plants, which thrive in clay or sandy soils without the need for extra nutrients or pesticides.

Siberian Iris

For late spring to early summer blooms, include a variety of these easy perennials in your deer-resistant garden. Iris palms need dividing every few years to keep their vitality, even though they are not invasive. You and your pals can enjoy the same three-foot flower spikes in your floral displays by sharing a few rhizomes with each other.

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