Nowadays, many schools are starting to introduce school garden activities. No wonder the school
prepares many things, including how the concepts could attract students to participate. Of course, the
choice of the concept of the school garden is very determining the success of this school garden activity.
That is why you need to build the school garden perfectly. To make the school garden look enchanting
and attractive, you can try some of the garden ideas available. If you want something different, you can
also decorate the school garden in different concepts and styles.
For those, who are still confused about the right and interesting school garden ideas for students, you
do not need to worry. Here are some school garden ideas that you can choose.
1. The Hanging Bottle

Using unused items also become one of the objectives of school garden activities. No wonder if the
schools sometimes also ask the students to bring unused items at home. For example, like the unused
drink bottle.
You and student can wash and clean the dirt on the bottle before use it. After that, just cut the bottle
horizontally. Use the mouth of the bottle, and discard the bottle cap for the water drain. Next, make a
hole in the edge of the bottle to place a rope or wire.
Fill the bottle with a mixture of soil and fertilizer and the plant seeds. This idea is very appropriate for
the school, which has not enough space to build a garden. You and students can even put this hanging
pot in front of the classroom.
2. The Lantern Bottle

Slightly similar to the first concept, The Lantern Bottle has a more attractive appearance. You can cut the
cleaned bottle to resemble a lantern and paint in attractive colors.
Different from the first school garden ideas where you immediately put soil and seeds in a bottle, this
concept makes it easy for you: just put one small pot that already contains plants.
3. The Pinned Up Bottle

Another ways to create a unique and beautiful garden is to post the unused bottle in the wall. You can
put the wood panel as the place to stick the bottle on the wall. Be sure to place the bottles at a height
that is easy for students to reach.
This concept also makes the walls look more attractive, especially if you use bright color to paint the
To prevent the wall do not get damp quickly, choose plants like cactus that do not need much water.
Besides, patches of small coral rock above the soil to beautify these plants.
4. The Pine Owl School Garden Ideas

You can also try the other school garden idea by create or place an attractive miniature in the garden.
For example, by making an owl miniature composed of pine seeds.
On the wings and eyes, you and the students can attach matching colored feathers. By placing several
owl miniatures in the garden, you also help the students to enjoy the school garden activities.
5. The White Swan

Are you bored with pots made from bottles? Relax; you can use it into a beautiful park barrier. First, you
can clean the unused bottle from the dirt with clean water. Next, paint the bottles in white or other
color you want. Arrange bottles like a circle in the middle of the garden.
Plant sure, if you plant the bore up to neck part of the bottle in the ground. Next, fill the circle with a
mixture of soil and fertilizer. Complete with colorful flowers. Prepare a wooden board, cut it like a
To perfect this garden idea, you can put that wooden board in the one side of the bottle arrangement.
6. The Flower Bottle School Garden Ideas

In addition to concepts such as The White Swan, you can also shape the unused bottles into a flower.
You and students can prepare a box and arrange the flower bottle with the seed plants or the flowery
Besides, you can also use every box of the flower mini park as the student assignment. You just need to
ask the students to take care of the plants on it and ask about the report routinely.
7. The Flower Tower School Garden Ideas

You can assign each student to bring different types of plants. Furthermore, you can place the plant in a
concrete or clay pot and arrange it resemble like a tower.
To help the students take care of the plant easily, just place the flower tower near the classroom. Make
sure that each student takes care of the plants he/she is carrying.
8. The Colorful Unused Garden

You can also invite the students to create an attractive little park. Ask students to clean up the bottle
first. Then, ask them again to collect the bottles. Paint the bottle with attractive colors. In addition, you
can collect unused tires and put a colorful paint on it. Use the unused tires referred to as potted plants.
Place it in the middle of the park or you can hang it in the nearby trees. You can also place a decoration
like a statue of an animal in it. Put around the unused tire pots with coral rocks. Do not forget to put
plants around coral and decorate them with unused bottles.
9. School Garden Ideas: The Puppet

Putting it safely in a pot is very common. However, you can invite the students to beautify the school
garden by decorating the pot. Draw a pot that contains plants with some facial features. Decorate with
tape or paper.
Then place the flipped pot, which has the same size. You can add legs and arms by attaching small pots
arranged together using string or ribbon. Ask each student or group of students to care for the pair of
potted dolls.
10. The Simple Beauty Can

In addition to using unused bottles, you can also use other materials, such as unused cans. Make a hole
in the bottom of the can using nails as a water drain. Then, make another large hole in the side near the
mouth of the can as the hook to attach it to the wall.
Next, you can ask students to color the unused cans they have brought and put the flower basket. Help
students attach the tin pots to the provided wooden boards.
11. The Snail Garden

One of the school garden ideas that are unique and you can try is The Snail Garden. This one concept
will make the school garden look more attractive. Just by laying large rocks painted like a snail shell,
students will feel comfortable lingering in the garden.
12. School Garden Ideas: The Fairytale

You can also decorate the edges of the garden with unique and attractive decorations, by putting
several miniature colorful mushrooms and cute animals, for example.
To prepare the garden, you should
make sure that the soil is fertile and ready to use, especially, the soil near and around the miniatures.
13. The Turtle Path

Some of the school garden ideas above are indeed unique. However, you can also see this concept.
Putting a few miniature turtles made of used items along the road to the classroom is not a bad idea.
You can also place some other decorations in the ground or around the student’s seed plant.
14. The Rabbit Family

The monotone garden display will also bore students through school garden activities. Therefore, it
never hurts to beautify the garden by putting some interesting but environmentally friendly decorations.
For example, by putting a stone decorated like a rabbit. You can put this rabbit-shaped stone in some
corners of the garden or on a large pot.
15. The Blue Umbrella

Do you have a broken umbrella at your home? You can use it to replace the pot in school. To make it
look unique, plant the pot upside down. Next, coat the umbrella fabric with cement to make it stronger
in supporting the soil and flowers.
So that the garden or garden does not look boring, you can put some umbrella pots and put some plants
in small pots around the umbrella pot.
16. The Birdcage Ideas

An attractive garden will make students enjoy doing their activities. In addition to putting flowering
plants in the garden, you can also decorate the garden with some items.
For example, by placing a birdcage made of wooden boxes and designed as attractive as possible. Not
only use this cage as decoration, but you and your students can also take care of some small birds.
17. The Milk Box Pot

It is a good idea to have each child brings an unused milk box. Teach students to cut one side so that the
milk box can be unused instead of a pot. Do not forget to make a hole on the other side so that the
plants are not flooded.
Students can decorate the used milk boxes with watercolors or stick stickers. In addition to saving space,
the pot from the unused milk box is also easy to set up.
18. The Dinosaurs World

Many students also want to play when doing school garden activities. Therefore, you can invite students
to create a mini-park with the concept of the dinosaur world. Take two large pots or tubs that are not
used. Enter the mixture of soil and fertilizer, plant seeds and green plants.
Next, have students decorate the two large pots with miniature dinosaurs. Some decorations such as
small coral and moss can also complete this concept. You can use another miniature to create this
concept, such as the mini zoo or even the jungle-like mini garden.
19. The Wild Snakes Garden

Do you want to make a concept like in the wilderness? You may be able to look up to this concept. By
using old tires, you can make potted plants. Make sure, if you arrange the tires pot like the snake
complete with its head.
To make it look more real, color the unused tire with a snake pattern and attach the head. The students
can fill various plants in these snake-shaped pots.
20. The Ruler Ideas

Designing a path in the garden resembling a ruler complete with its size is a brilliant idea. This idea also
helps elementary students to learn about the number or size in a fun way.
To make it look more attractive, you should plant colorful flowers next to the path, such as rose or
sunflower. You can also put some other objects, such as pots made from unused boots filled with the
flower or leafy plants. Putting a chair in the garden also allowed.
21. The Learning Garden

Different from the previous concept, you can create a garden which is also become a learning media for
students. Arrange the stones by writing each letter on it. This concept is very suitable for elementary
school students who start to learn about alphabets and words.
You can also install a colorful pencil-shaped wooden fence around the garden.
After seeing several attractive and unique school garden ideas above, you also need to consider several
things. You can also do collaborations with the local designers to build the school garden perfectly.
Moreover, you will also need some advice from the students to create a sustainable and comfort school
garden. Especially, related about the garden area. Make sure those area is safe for the teacher and the
Do not choose the area that unreachable and far away from the classroom or schools. It will be better if
you use the same area in the school. Also, make sure that the garden area safe from rodents or
dangerous animals.
The next things are to consider whether you will plant the small or the big plant in the garden. If your
school garden’s purpose is to plant a big plant, use the larger and big area.
It will be different if you just allow the students to plant the seeds and wait for it to be a small plant and
then ask them to bring the plant home. Other things need to consider is the fertility of the soil. Make
sure that you have the fertile soil in the garden.
You can check the pH balance of the soil by sending the sample to the nearest laboratory. If the soil
result is contaminated, sometimes they will recommend you to build the garden in the raised beds. The
worst is you need to buy the soil for your school garden.
So, which school garden ideas that most suitable for your school?